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A member registered Feb 01, 2020

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I'm sorry that I didn't understand at first. I supposed you were talking about the literal prologue of the history, which is when Walter gets to know each character available in the game, so he can choose later who he liked more from the ones he showed signs of interest. I guess that the game ends if you were rude to everyone.

Since it's not that, I guess that you are having trouble getting further in the route. The latest free version of the game is the 0.6.10, so every route, except for the Lars' one, has at least 4 days (the first day doesn't count since you're only getting to know the guys).

That being said, you should at least reach the 5th day, unless you're taking the Lars' route. My tips to get further are the ones I've said before. You can also save the game before some decisions so you can go back if something goes wrong.

I bet you're already beating the game by now, but my commentary will still be here to help you. :)

(1 edit)

Basically, you need to please one of the characters depending on the route you're taking.

 The routes are unlocked by being nice to specific characters, you need to lend you pen to mark to be able to choose his route, for example.

You'll decide which route you want to take when you are in your bathroom ( at the beginning of the second day, i guess ), after that you just need to be kind, gentle and remember important things they say, so you shouldn't open something that you don't have permission, don't bring unhealty food for someone that only eat healthy food, etc.

I hope it was helpful :)